India and South Africa have shifted their focus towards the One-day International series, with the first match of the six-game series to be played in Durban on Thursday. India will be bo6lstered by the arrival of the limited-overs experts, not least Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who seems to be able to infuse new confidence into the side with just his presence. That, added to the fine win in the last Test at Johannesburg, make India at least equal foes if not better when they take on South Africa. With only 14 months to go for the 2019 ODI World Cup, India will also look to kick off their preparations in earnest during the series. (Live Scorecard
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Monday, 12 March 2018
manoj makwana
Pellentesque vitae lectus in mauris sollicitudin ornare sit amet eget ligula. Donec pharetra, arcu eu consectetur semper, est nulla sodales risus, vel efficitur orci justo quis tellus. Phasellus sit amet est pharetra