Friday, 14 September 2018



'Cash Bills' begin just in the Lok Sabha. In the event that a question emerges with respect to whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the choice of the Speaker of Lok Sabha is last. Rajya Sabha has no influence to dismiss a Money Bill. It can just make proposals, ie, recommendations. The Lok Sabha may acknowledge or dismiss all or any of the proposals of the Rajya Sabha.

'Common Bills' can start in either House. If there should be an occurrence of contradiction between the two Houses, the bill is alluded to a joint sitting of both the Houses. It appears that the two houses have been set on an equivalent balance in such manner. Extremely, the Rajya Sabha is in a weaker position in this issue. Since the aggregate participation of Rajya Sabha is not exactly even 50% of the aggregate quality of the Lok Sabha, the desire of the Lok Sabha would normally win at a joint sitting. Besides, a joint session is managed by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.


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