Saturday, 30 June 2018

Remove the cheek pots from this indigenous and easy remedies

Remove the cheek pots from this indigenous and easy remedies

Every girl wants a beautiful face and a tarnish face. Girls have some remedy for beauty. But sometimes pits cause acne due to the face. Which makes the beauty of the face worse. The pit on the face causes bad impedance against the people. There may be some reasons for scar ticking and pits on the face. You can take advice from a doctor to remove it. Apart from that, some domestic remedies can also be done. Due to this pothole, cough and stains fall after the acne treatment.
Gram flour
Chana flour is considered to be very effective to remove facial pits. However, this domestic treatment has to be done for a long time. For which milk, gram flour, lemon juice, mix it exactly and apply this paste on the face. Let it dry for half-an-hour and dry it, then wash the face thoroughly with plain water.
Dahi is very useful for removing pits on face. Make a paste by mixing curd and lemon juice in a bowl for them. Apply this paste on the face.
Baking soda
Mix baking soda with lemon or honey and paste it on the face. This will also cause the pits to disappear on the face and your skin will become silken.
Valuation clay
Skin is considered to be very beneficial for the skin. Prepare a pack with lemon juice and rosewater mixture in it. Apply it to face every day. If this paste is dry then wash the face properly with the Navsheka water.
Make a paste of sandalwood powder in rosewood and make a smooth paste. After making the paste, apply it on the face and apply it all night. Now wake up in the morning and wash the paste with cold water. The paste should be discarded a week in a week. That can give you relief.
Lemon and cloudy
Mix lemons and honey in equal proportions and apply them on the face. Apply this paste 2-3 times a day. So the skin will become silken and the stain-ticking on the face will disappear.
The anti-bacterial properties of turmeric are very effective for the skin and the use of it is very beneficial. If anybody has pits or stains on the face, then mixing turmeric with mustard oil will be very beneficial.
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