Saturday, 23 June 2018

Now do not use any light as a bill

Now do not use any light as a bill
Electricity consumption has increased due to the increasing heat on day-by-day, whether it is residential or industry. Souoo is disturbed by the luminous bill coming in the light of a lite. Light also runs and lights are not made by the software, Anandkumar, IIC of Pandit Dindayal Petrolim University of the city. At present, these projects have been started for schools, colleges, universities, industries, and commercials. The whole software will work on a smart grid. Which will use zero energy.
Now Street Light will talk to each other about Energy Consumption information
Talking about this, Anand Kumar said that due to the continuation of street lights in industries or schools and colleges, the light bill comes more. Apart from that, a smart grid system has been designed with the hawk going to pay a light bill for most of the corporation's money. The first of which is 240 volt Street lights with 40 volt smart LEDs. Converting with Light will be integrated with Radio Frequency (RF) chip, this will talk to each other with Street Light, so all the data will be in DTU (Data Constructor Unit). Find out where the light is on, what light off of it or whom to damp. Also, connecting with Solar Rooftop for all the lights will not result in a light bill. A smart metering will also be done, which will allow every fifteen minutes to update the light congestion. Today, there are many companies that provide Street Light automation service, but any company has been designing software applications for real-time and end-to-end solution providers, industry and schools, colleges that can be used.
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