Saturday, 21 April 2018

Whatsapp will automatically reply to the message, these apps will help In this way, WhatsApp can be set on automatic reply reply

Whatsapp will automatically reply to the message, these apps will help
In this way, WhatsApp can be set on automatic reply reply

New Delhi (Tech Desk) Since the arrival of mobile, human communication had taken a new path and became an important means of sending SMS messages, but with the arrival of Whatsapp, the world of communication has changed a lot. Now from Love to Office, the preferred message of message has become Whatsapp. Now Whatsapp will also reply to the messages you get.

You can enable auto reply options by using an app like AutoResponder for whatsapp and Auto-Reply for Whatsapp. We are going to tell you how to use the Auto-Reply for Whatsapp app.

– Visit Google Play Store

– Type Auto Reply for Whatsapp in the search bar

– After the app is installed, go to the home page. Here you will see the option of all messages for auto-reply, after activating it, your WhatsApp will start answering every user’s message.

– If you do not want an auto reply option for some people, tap on the Exclude Groups Or Contacts option. Here you can enter the names of the groups and users whom you do not want to send auto text.

– There will be an option to write a text on the home page. In this text box, write the message that you want to send to other users.

– You will see the option to enter keywords only on the home page. You can type keywords and type reply to it.

– After this process, your WhatsApp will automatically start replying automatically.

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