Sunday, 22 April 2018

The state government's main decision, the help of the house to get such help now

The state government's main decision, the help of the house to get such help now
Gandhinagar: The state government has made an important decision regarding the home based house plan. Increased housing assistance to needy people has been increased. State aid has been increased by 70% in the state. Rs. Instead of 70 thousand rupees 1.20 lakh will be given. And for 20 thousand families, Rs. 240 crore will be provided.
It is worth mentioning that in this inflation, only 70,000 aid was needed for the poor to build a house. Currently, 2.50 lakhs have been provided instead of 70 thousand. Who can take advantage of the vastly poor class scheme.
Because the cost of construction of a house of 100 sq.m. was approximately 3.50 lakhs, while now it was getting Rs 70,000. Poor families can take advantage of such help.
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