Saturday, 21 April 2018

Take this bike for 34 rupees every day, this bike will run 90 kilometers in 1 liter

Take this bike for 34 rupees every day, this bike will run 90 kilometers in 1 liter
VTV Gujarati
If you are thinking of buying a huge mileage bike and you do not have much money, this is a great option for you. In this offer you will have to pay Rs. 34 every day and you can bring the Bajaj's CT100 bike home. The price of this bike is Rs. 35.741. Bajaj CT100b's X showroom price is Rs. 33,216. On this bike you will have to pay Rs 1,328 in RTO. So on the bike's insurance you will find 1, 197 rupees. This bike will cost you Rs 35,741.
If you buy Bajaj CT100b on a month's EMI, you have to spend Rs 937 per month. The company claims that this bike is running 90 kilometers of 1 liter petrol.
On the other hand, the Bajaj CT100 KS AlloyVR KFXCL is 39,434 rupees. You can buy this bike in a monthly installment of Rs 1,022. The price of Bajaj CT 100 ES Alloy is Rs 42,523.
Bajaj's motorcycle is available in 3 colors. Each bike has an engine of 99.27cc.
You will have to pay 937 rupees per month for 3 years to buy CT100b. Besides, a down payment of approximately Rs 7100 will be required.
This motorcycle has a 4-speed transmission system. Each bike engine generates power of 8.1 bhp. Bajaj's bike is 110m sunny dual brake.
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