Process of selection on the Technician Post in Railway
RRB Exam 2018: How will the selection for the technician rank? This is the whole process
RRB Exam 2018 Railway is going to offer massive jobs soon. Of the 90 thousand posts in which it is going to be examined, 26,502 posts are Group-C ie Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and technician. The rest of the post is for Group D. For this, about three and a half million candidates have applied. Here we are telling the complete process of selection on Technician’s post:

This will be the Process of selection on the Technician Post in Railway:
1. First Stage CBT (Computer Based Test)
2. Second-level CBT (Computer Based Test)
3. Document Verification.
Will there be negative marking in the Railway Examination?
Yes, there will be negative marking in both the first and second stages. For each wrong answer a third digit will be deducted. That is, one wrong digit will be cut when three wrong answers. There will be no negative marking in the computer based aptitude test.
Selection on Merit List in Railway Examination
Successful candidates will be called for document verification on the basis of merit list. There will be no interview in this.