Sunday, 22 April 2018

70% increase in housing assistance to the needy people of Gujarat

70% increase in housing assistance to the needy people of Gujarat
House assistance Rs. Instead of 70 thousand rupees 1.20 lakh will be given: Rs.240 crore will be provided to 20 thousand families: In the last five years, 81,354 poor families have been given housing assistance at the cost of Rs.2256 crore
The state government has made a major decision to fulfill the dream of 'need of home' to needy people. 70% increase in housing assistance provided to needy people, ie Rs. 70 thousand houses were provided, now Rs. 1.20 lakh will be given.
Social Justice Empowerment Minister Ishwarbhai Parmar said that this important decision has been taken by the government to fulfill the dreams of scheduled castes, Bachchanch castes, nomadic-liberated tribes and non-reserved tribes. He said that the assistance in the year 2014 was increased by 45 thousand rupees to Rs. 70 thousand. Under the Prime Minister's Awas Yojana, considering the rising inflation and the demands of the people, 1.20 lakhs are provided. In order to be consistent, the housing scheme of the Government of Gujarat will also include the Scheduled Castes, the tribes of BaxiPanch, the Desperate-liberal tribes, non-reserved, economically backward castes. 1.20 lakhs will be provided.
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