Saturday, 17 March 2018

Offer Xiaomi Exchange, a new offering golden replacing old smartphone

Chinese company Shawmi's smartphones are becoming increasingly popular in India and its buzz is going on. The company started service for smartphone exchange last year. Now the company has come up with this offer once again.
You can take advantage of this offer from the company's official website Instant exchange coupon is being given to its customers. By which customers can exchange new handsets and buy new ones. For this, a special page has been created on the company's website.
For this offer, Shawmy has partnered with the coffin and is valid on the Mi Home store. Considering the condition of the handset, the company claims to give the best value according to the market price. For this you have to register your smartphone's IMEI number. For this, your MI account value coupon will also be joined.
First go to the Mi Exchange page and log in to the account. Here's a list of supported devices where you can exchange old smartphones. Here you are given the option of 15 brands. You can select the old smartphone of the company you want to exchange here.
After the selection you will be shown its value. After that you have to register your old smartphone's IMEI number. After that the exchange coupon will be given only in the account. Here you can buy a smartphone After order place, you will be sent to the company to collect the old smartphone. At the same time you will get a new smartphone.
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