Friday, 2 February 2018


Gujarat 10th Board Papers can be downloaded so that the candidates can get the paper style which they will be seeing in the exam paper in next stream. The type of questions which will come in the board papers can be checked from the previous year papers. The s for the preparation of the examinations. The Gujarat Board officials have a responsibility to conduct the exams in the state different centres so that the students can get the education.

The Gujarat 10th Board question papers

are organized for different subjects which are the part of class 10th curriculum. The students with the papers can practice the questions which are of examination type. This way they will know that the concepts are really important to study for the board xams. Large students being part of the class 10th examinations, there is competition among students to score higher in the examinations. The exams are the source of matric level education to the students of the Gujarat state.

SSC old question paper Board question papers

Previous year question papers are a smart way to prepare for exams and a sure-shot way to ace them. Board papers especially are useful for those appearing for Board exams as they familiarise students with the pattern of the paper and the marking scheme. Solved Board papers give an added advantage by providing students an understanding of the answers expected for the questions in a paper. These papers are the best revision tools and must be made an integral part of exam preparation.


BY Royal Science Dhoraji

Gujarati | Sanskrit |
Science | MathEnglish |SS

Even though students spend more than a year preparing for the board exams, there are times when candidates ignore the basics due to which they find themselves struggling with time during the actual examination.

GSEB 10th and 12th class previous year question papers/model paper is very important for students who are studying under the schools associated with Gujarat Board. Students need to solve some previous year question paper/model paper to achieve the excellent marks in the exam.

If you want to crack the 10th and 12th exam in single attempts with highest marks then you ought to practice by downloading the GSEB Board previous year Question Paper like Sanskrit, Business Management & Administration, Statistics, Economics, Psychology, Element of Account, Social Study, etc. Students can download the previous year Question Papers Arts, Science & Commerce medium accordingly from the official website of Gujarat Board.

How to Get Gujarat HSC and SSC Previous Year Papers

Those applicants are studying in HSC & SSC, must check official website for more update regarding previous year papers.

The previous year papers link available on the official website

Applicants need to fill your Roll number/Registration Number and Date of Birth and click on download button.

The question paper will be available on your computer screen within 2-5 sec.

GSHSEB- Gujarat Secondary and High Secondary Education Board conducts the examinations for Secondary and higher secondary classes (10th and 12th). The board releases a magazine monthly named as “Madhyamik Shikshan & Parishan” which is circulated among students for free. The education source is being nourished well so that each student can be considered as literate at some level. The students are taught so that they can build up their careers for different fields.

The class 10th question paper for different subjects in Gujarati Medium is being set. The Science & Technology paper for the last years will give you the reference of how the preparations should be done for the course of Science.

Gujarat Board 10th Science & Tech 2007 PDF

Gujarat Board 10th Science & Tech 2008 PDF

Gujarat Board 10th Science & Tech 2009 PDF

Gujarat Board 10th Science & Tech 2013 New PDF

Gujarat Board 10th Science & Tech 2013 Old PDF

Gujarat Board 10th Class Science & technology Gujarati Medium Papers PDF Download

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